The Best USB Thumb Drive

Drive Design

When I was shopping around for a USB drive, I was frequently dissappointed in what I saw in terms of physcial design. My criteria was to find one I can put on my keychain for frequent use and would hold up to the challenge in other words durible. All of the drives seemed to lack someway, many didnt have any way to attach to a keychain, many didnt look durable enough to do so and most had a cap that appeared to be easy to lose or fall off in travel. The only one I had seen that looked like any possibility was the Lexar JumpDrive Sport. In the package I wasn’t sure how it came apart, on the package it didnt show any picture of the drive separate from its “cap”. After looking at it online, I got the idea that the outside was a rubber casing that came off of the drive. I noticed on the top of the cap was a way for it to attach to keys. After it arrived, it was better than expected, the rubber cap seems very durable and very protective of the actual drive, even to the point I would say under normal use, will probably hold up just fine. It seems as if not only will the rubber cap help against your keys damage but also possibly a splash of water.Although the manufacture doesn’t claim this, and I don’t suggest trying this.

The only drawback that some say about this drive is some find it difficult to separate the drive from the rubber casing. To me this is a GOOD thing, it means the rubber casing is nice and tight and helps ensure the drive is secure in it. Many try to pull the rubber straight out or down to separate, but I find if you peel it from a corner, it is easy to remove.

It did lack coming with security software and I am not sure why as other Lexar drives come with it. Software like this is important to someone like me who keeps thier login and passwords on the drive.

The Lexar JumpDrive Sport is currenly my USB drive of choice.

I give it 4 1/2 out of 5 stars

In my next article, I will talk about USB drive security software.

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