Voip recording

For a couple years now i have used voip services. This allows me to do
some cool things for example all voicemail is automatically fowarded
to both my wife and my own email with a wav file attached. Since we
can both check email on our cell phones we both know when our “home
phone” has a voicemail. My wife can even also listen to the voicemail
on her blackberry, however my iPhone can not seem to play the wav file!!

Another piece of the puzzle is we wanted to record phone calls. I had
a run in with Capital One regarding something promised and they would
now not deliver. I had wished that call was recorded. Now of course
one would think – what about ” your call may be recorded for quality
control and training purposes ” .. Well I asked several employees of
capital one that very question and they indicated that it is nearly
impossible for them to track down a particular call and that is IF it
was recorded. A manager also said that maybe 1/3 calls are recorded.

I needed the ability to record calls. I searched google and found a
progam I already knew about but didnt know it recorded voip and had
not touched in a few years. It is called Cain & Able. It is described
by many as a hacker tool but sometimes a hack is nescessary.

Below I have a ‘screenshot’ of Cain & Able after it completed
recording a voip call. Please excuse the dinosaur monitor and poor

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